After the 2020 pandemic, my 2021 challenge was to step out of my comfortable bubble, take on new adventures and document my experiences. What I wasn’t prepared for was the change that came with that type of challenge. I had to be intentional and disciplined enough to go through the change process.

The year 2021 was filled with a lot of lessons and new experiences. Between completing my master’s degree, changing jobs, working on the MTN account and learning a new language, it was a great year for me.

Below are some highlights of my 2021.

                                                 Ayomide Oyetunde

Diet and Exercise; 

Like most people, one of my goals for the year 2021 was to exercise more, have a healthy diet, drink lots of water and have a flat stomach. The only thing I achieved was learning to drink more water than soda. However, one thing I learnt was that I can not achieve my diet and exercise goals by myself, therefore, this new year I will work with an accountability partner to achieve this healthy goal.


Professional Development; 

I am particularly proud of the fact that in 2021, I completed three online courses in Public Relations and Marketing. I took the courses while working a full-time job and running a master’s degree at the same time, and even though it took me months to complete the modules, I did It.


Final examination; 

In the month of October, I wrote my final exams for my Master’s degree. Writing the final exam was a huge relief, as I had been juggling between work and school and it was overwhelming. A lot of times, I considered dropping out to focus on work, but I am particularly grateful for my support system, I am not sure I would have made it through without them. 


French Lessons;

I have always wanted to learn the French language, and in 2021 I took the bull by the horn. I started daily French lessons on Duolingo and it took intentionality and discipline to go through with the lessons every day. I also completed a fundamental course in French with the International Centre for Language Resources. 


Getting a New Job: 

One of the best decisions I made was leaving my old job for a new one. I assumed my new role at Black House Media in November of 2021, and I joined the MTN team where I was immediately integrated to work on the MTN Foundation. 


Working on the MTN Account;

Working on the MTN account has been exciting and challenging, and between my resumption in November and December 2021, I worked on four campaigns for the MTN Foundation. The highlight of working on the MTN team in 2021, was when I travelled to Kwara state for the MTN Y’ello Doctor Handover. It was my third week on the account, and I remember being scared that I would not do a good job, but I beat the fear and had an amazing experience working in Kwara state.


Looking back at 2021, I can comfortably say that despite having to make several changes I did a fairly good job of rising to the challenge and stepping out. It is commonly said that change is hard and that is very true, but the rejuvenation that comes with going through the change process makes it easier.


In 2022, I look forward to gaining new experience, learning, crushing goals with my team and having fun all the way.


Cheers to an amazing 2022.

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