In 2025, doing good will no longer constitute a microcosm of activities that businesses engage in as part of the mandatory contribution of a percentage of their annual revenue, instead being good will form a fibre of every business decision and activity.

The rise in ethical consumption (consumers) will see a growth in carbon footprint calculators supported by large corporations as the difference between a successful and struggling business will be deduced from the sum total of their sustainable practices. 

Businesses currently make decisions on communities or causes to support based on factors that can either stimulate business activities or improve the bottom line. In 2025, the people (consumers) will decide the causes and ventures that corporations will support.

2020 saw a wake in activist movements across the world. From North America to Europe and Asia, Africa not excluded, citizens marched in protest against Government practices and demanded that corporations take a stand for or against their cause. There would be no sitting on the fence.

In 2025, businesses will be built around activist movements, cause marketing will no longer be a nice-to-have and Chief Marketing Officers will no longer hide behind memos and press releases.

Doing Good in 2025 will not just require organisations to ‘speak’ good, consumers will need to see the ‘faces’, ‘hands’ and ‘feet’ behind the voice(s).

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