In the words of Viv Segal of Sefin Marketing:  ‘’PR means telling the truth and working ethically – even when all the media wants is headlines and all the public wants is scapegoats. Public relations fails when there is no integrity’’. 

Being new in the world of public relations and advertising can feel overwhelming. A month ago, I started my first internship in public relations at BHM. With a degree in communications and high expectations, I was ready to take on the world. I honestly assumed all I needed to do was attend events and enjoy a laid-back work routine.


What I didn’t know at the time is that PR is not exactly how the movies depict it. It requires a lot of perseverance and hard work to see it through. While my past work experience and educational background had helped me get my foot in the door. Keeping the job is an entirely other matter.  To thrive in this industry, your present actions and decisions have a significant long-term impact.


In preparation for the World Public Relations Day set to hold on July 16, 2022, here is what I wish someone had told me before I got into PR:


  1. Public relations is not all about writing, but it does involve a lot of writing. 

As someone who does not enjoy writing and has thus managed to avoid it, my first month in PR was a bit of a challenge. There wasn’t a day of the week you would not find me WRITING — from writing a press release to blog posts and writing briefs. In PR, writing is more than just a task or an assignment, it is a career. Having strong writing skills is a significant asset to have. The goal is to reach the intended audience with the right message. As a PR professional, it is your responsibility to track out favourable remarks about your clients and translate those messages into positive stories. When there is negative publicity, you plan the best course of action and minimize the harm by using tools such as news stories, press releases, speeches, and many more. 


  1. Achieving a healthy work-life balance will take some time, and even then, it won’t be perfect. What I have learned during my one-month internship is that Public Relations is not your typical 9-to-5 job. PR is synonymous with hectic tasks, deadlines, and late hours. There are days when you leave work early without jeopardizing your plans. There are, however, other days when you give up your weekends and work late to meet deadlines. Be prepared to sacrifice parts of your time for that one shining moment when the efforts of clients are praised and recognized.


  1. Strive for Excellence, not perfection: When you strive for perfection, you are reaching for something that is already flawless and runs the danger of never achieving it. Pursuing excellence, on the other hand, can genuinely inspire and motivate you. Ensure everything has your mark of excellence on it, whether it’s a caption for a social media post or copy for internal communication. The best way to broaden your already-expanding professional network is to demonstrate your skills to team members and superiors. You never know who might read and remember your work years from now.


  1. Understand how you contribute to the company’s goals: As a team member, you should ensure the work you do is genuinely helping to advance the company’s objective. Be more aware of the company’s strategy and objectives, as well as how the work you do fits into those objectives. That should serve as both your compass and your growth elevator speech.


  1. Invest in yourself and stay curious: The PR profession guarantees that you can never quite know it all. So, make learning a daily habit. You can achieve this by being up to date with the newest trends and world news. Equally important is building relationships through a sincere interest in others and a willingness to share and listen.


Truth be told, there isn’t a magic trick that ensures you do it perfectly as a newbie. However, if you are intentional about your goals, you’ll be well on your way to being exceptional. The wonderful world of PR can be both overwhelming and full of excitement. Every day will be different and you will constantly learn; which is one of the reasons I love PR. 


The second edition of World PR Day is set to hold on July 16, 2022, around the theme; Trust, Truth and Transparency. World PR Day is motivated by the need to set forward a common worldwide agenda for better comprehension and application of public relations practice.

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